Misty Denato
I feel the need to correct the misinformation contained in the reviews below.
Yes, a dog unfortunately was able to get loose while being boarded here. The business owner has never stated otherwise & never said that they weren't responsible & is of course very remorseful that this accident occurred. Neighbors & businesses in the area were notified right away & everyone was out looking daily for Roxi. She has since been found & reunited with her family, so all the claims that the dog was sold were completely false & absurd.
Yes an attempt was made to correct grossly false accusations being made against the business owner, but we never stooped to the level of some of the commenters on the owner's page. Comments being made are actually promoting physical violence & I can't image how anyone can consider this acceptable behavior, especially from people claiming to be adults. This an example of cyber bullying at its finest & is setting a terrible example for any of these people that have children.
The comments about the owner of the business blaming the family & saying that they'd look the other way if their dog was seen were NOT made by the business owner. These comments were made by a neighbor (this is very easily proven by looking at the dog's owner's Facebook page and seeing that the poster's name is Marian, which is NOT the name of the owner of the business), but because of how Roxi's owner framed the post she made sharing screenshots of the comments, it makes them appear to be comments made by the business owner.
The owners later came to the property with a state police officer because, according to her comment, she wanted to retrieve Roxi's things & make sure she wasn't on the premises, but wanted an officer there because of a phone call between her husband & owner. Nobody else heard this phone conversation so no one can comment on what was said. When the officer was seen at the gate, she had to ask him several times to come to her house because she was watching her grandson. The owners were not with the officer when he walked to her home (leaving the gate wide open by the way). He asked for her ID & told her it was a criminal investigation. The owners weren't with the officer so they didn't hear this statement & are claiming it was never said. She showed the officer a copy of the signed contract relieving her of liability & then saw that instead of parking in the driveway, the owners pulled into her yard & parked on the wet lawn, which of course means the car sunk into the ground & left ruts. So yes, she was frustrated with the officer because he wouldn't ask them to move their car out of her yard. They left after the officer viewed the contract. He never searched the property for Roxi & the owners never asked to retrieve her items, despite that being their supposed reason for coming.
The contract signed by Roxi's owner specifically says that the owner of Custom Canine is not liable for any pets being lost. Roxi's owner is claiming that the contract doesn't say this, however, she can only go by what she remembers reading when she skimmed the contract she signed. It's been discovered that she no longer has her signed copy because she's reached out to a client of Custom Canine asking for a copy of the boarding contract.
While the business owner was out looking for Roxi on 07/08/17, she spoke to a neighbor who had seen a dog matching Roxi's description a couple of nights in a row. Roxi's owners were notified & told to bring her crate & some items from home so there would be familiar smells. She also told them to not call her name because the dog could take it negatively & think she's in trouble & not come to them. When they arrived, they were given the items of Roxi's she still had (leash/food), however, the crate wasn't brought along & it didn't appear that any of her items from home were brought either, but they said that they felt they'd be able to catch her. Unfortunately, the dog ran from them but she was ultimately caught by a local business owner and reunited with her family a couple of days later.